  • Sharon Alvarez
        University of Pittsburgh 
  • Peter Bamberger
        Tel Aviv University 
 VP/Prog. Chair
  • Tammy L. Madsen
        Santa Clara University 
 VP-Elect/Prog. Chair-Elect
  • Christopher L. Tucci
        Imperial College London 
 Past President
  • Amy Hillman
        Arizona State University 
  • Cynthia E. Devers
        Virginia Tech 
  • Peer Fiss
        University of Southern California 
  • Lucy L. Gilson
        University of New Hampshire 
  • Irene Henriques
        York University 
  • Sabine Hoidn
        University of St. Gallen 
  • Keld Laursen
        Copenhagen Business School 
  • Abbie J. Shipp
        Texas Christian University 
  • Mary Tripsas
        UC Santa Barbara 
  • Ian O. Williamson
        University of California, Irvine 

Dear Academy Members:

The deadline for the Call for Nominations of an individual to serve as the in-coming Vice President-Elect & Program Chair-Elect and for three individuals to serve as Representatives-members of the Board of Governors was Friday, October 20, 2023. Because this deadline has passed, this website is now closed.

We want to express our sincere appreciation to everyone who participated in the nominations process. We look forward to your participation this spring in the Academy of Management 2024 Board of Governors Election.

Warm regards,

Amy Hillman
Past President and Chair of the AOM Nominating Committee*

*As specified in the Academy's By-laws, the Nominating Committee consists of the five executive officers of the Academy, which includes the Past President & Chair of the Nominating Committee, President, President-Elect & Coordinator of Professional Division, Vice President & Program Chair, Vice President-Elect & Program Chair-Elect.

Saturday, July 27, 2024
